Dominique Paul Fratkin is our office manager, and handles all phone calls, scheduling and most questions about our medicines. She also is in charge of our herbal pharmacy, and makes many of our custom formulas. You will discover that she is a wealth of information!
Dominique is from France, where she was city architect and engineer for the city of Marseille. When not running our office, she continues her architectural work, giving consultations for remodels and designs of interior and exterior space. Using her training in traditional feng shui, she calls her work “Conceptual Design and Feng Shui: A Blueprint for Balance”.
Jake and Dominique met in France many years ago while Jake was teaching Chinese qi gong exercises. They have two sons, Raphi and Tom. Raphi is an structural acupuncturist practicing in the Hudson Valley, New York, with his partner, Talia Brooks. Tom has a Masters degree in Neuro-Economics, and is a writer, living in Utrecht, Netherlands.